Say goodbye to those stubborn pockets of fat forever with fat freezing.

Fat freezing treatment Sydney
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What Is Fat Freezing?

Fat freezing has fast become one of the most popular and well-documented nonsurgical fat reduction therapies available today. Also known as CoolSculpting and by it’s more technical name, Cryolipolysis (‘CRYO’ meaning cold, ‘LIPO’ meaning fat, and ‘LYSIS’ meaning to dissolve or loosen), fat freezing is a cutting-edge technology that can help you melt away excess fat and give you truly dramatic results!

The technique entails using advanced medical technology to safely apply controlled cold temperatures to particular, targeted areas of the body where pockets of excess fat are usually deposited in order to permanently destroy the fat cells.

Why Choose Fat Freezing?

Highly Targeted

Cryolipolysis treatments are able to target the areas of the body resistant to weight loss & diet & exercise


The beauty of freezing fat is it is totally non-invasive. No need for anaesthetic or risky surgeries. You remain awake throughout the whole treatment, relaxing in one of our tranquil treatment rooms.

Permanent Fat loss

Clinical studies have shown that our CoolSculpting technology permanently reduces stubborn fat deposits in treatment areas by 20-40%, per treatment.

No Downtime

Since it is completely non-invasive, the treatment is fast and best of all, there will be no downtime. You will enjoy permanent fat loss with no recovery problems!

Not Painful

There's no need to go under the knife anymore! Our CoolSculpting Cryolipolysis technology is a simple and painless alternative to surgery!

Clinically Validated

Cryolipolysis has undergone comprehensive global research and clinical tests, and it is a proven procedure for permanently removing excess fat from the body.

Fat Freezing Before and After Photos

Fat freezing before and after

Cryolipolysis for Inner and Outer Thighs

Getting a thigh gap is always a struggle. We can help you get your thighs slimmer and leaner for summer.

fat freezing stomach results

CoolSculpting for Stomach

This client achieved her goal of targeting a stubborn pocket of stomach fat in just 3 treatments of fat freezing.

People Say

Amazing service and absolutely loved all the treatments I did...I noticed great results. I had fat freezing where i have struggled most of my life on my inner and outer thighs the results were amazing with only few treatments.

Your questions answered

What makes Fat Freezing so effective?

According to research, fat cells are more vulnerable to cold than surrounding body cells. By harnessing this characteristic of fat cells, fat freezing is able to target and permanently freeze and destroy unwanted fat cells while no other cells are harmed in the process.

After the Cryolipolysis procedure is completed, the body absorbs the targeted fat cells and safely removes them through your body’s natural metabolic process.


Real Customers, Real Results

Our goal is to assist our customers in reaching their full potential and to partner with them on their path to feeling comfortable and beautiful in their own skin. Our experts will tailor a treatment regime to suit you and provide you the advice on how to get the most out of your treatment.

We are Sydney’s Fat Freezing Specialists, and we are excited to share the incredible before and after outcomes that we have helped our clients achieve.

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